Adopt a child in Albania

  • Where: PUKE, ALBANIA
  • What we do: SCHOOL SUPPORT
  • For whom: 20 CHILDREN
  • What you can do: DONATE 30€ A MONTH

Title of the project

Adopt a child in Albania

Place of the Action

Puke, Albania

Description of the context

The action takes place in Puke, a small town with less than 5,000 inhabitants, located in the North West of Albania, near to the border with Montenegro. Although in recent years the population of Puke has grown, Puke still remains a rural village with houses scattered among the rugged mountains of northern Albania . The winter is hard, spring and autumn are stiff; only in summer there is no snow in Puke. In this context, the problems occur mainly in older homes scattered throughout the mountainous ridges, where often there is no electricity. It is not easy to get around: you can only walk or rely on buses, which run unregularly. Families struggle every day to obtain the most basic means of subsistence and access to education or public health is difficult. The monthly income for an Albanian teacher is around 18,250 Albanian leks (roughly 130€). One family out of six lives with less than $ 1 a day and nearly one family out of two is living on $ 2 a day. Approximately 50% of the poor people are working in the agriculture sector. The unemployment rate for young people aged between 15 and 24 is higher than 35% –– and there are less than 3 hospital beds per 1000 people.

The Project

The project aims at improving the life of 20 children and their families. Furthermore, the project intends to reduce child and maternal mortality rates in the villages around Puke mountains, through the prevention of risks related to childbirth , (non 😉 and the care of some very common diseases through health education, as well as preventive, diagnostic and also therapeutic healthcare. Thanks to your help, AnlaDi will also promote access to education and medical care for the children involved in the project and improve the livelihoods of their families and the health services available for the entire community
The project is implemented in partnership with the Sisters of Mother Teresa who have lived for many years in those mountains.

Achieved result

In December 2022 we could finally return to Pukë to monitor the projects and directly make the distribution of the money to the families of the adopted children.