
Annulliamo la Distanza was officially born in Florence on 7 October 1997 when a group of friends decided to get directly involved in the support and care of children that they were already sponsoring from a distance.
Since then, with a total commitment and important work Annulliamo la Distanza decided to commit itself to fight hunger, disease and other hardships that are threatening the future of children in every part of the world.

We recognize ourselves in the motto “Children First”, because we believe that this is the way to give a better future to children in developing countries, to reduce the gap between the rich and poor countries, to cancel the distance between the different souls on this planet.



Our organisation is run by the Board of Directors, the Auditors Committee, and the Arbitrations. As stated in article 11 of our Statute, the Board of Directors consists of five members (President, Vice-President and three Directors) elected by the organisation’s members every three years
The current Board of Directors is in charge since May 2015.

Board of directors

  • Presidente: Michele Muffi
  • Vice-Presidente: Silvana Monatti
  • Consiglieri: Giovanni Maria Bosisio, Mariella Martini
  • Consigliere con delega di tesoriere: Cristiano Pistoresi

Board of auditors

  • Pietro Lorenzo Bartolini Salimbeni
  • Ferruccio Magni
  • Annarosa Scarpelli


  • Lorenzo Fumelli
  • Marco Evi Martinucci
  • Franco Riboldi
Become a member, a sponsor or a volunteer

Let's give some numbers

For over 20 years, Annulliamo la Distanza has implemented projects for children in developing countries.
Up to date, AnlaDi is working in Albania, Cambodia, Eritrea, Italy and Kenya with projects focusing on health and education.
With the motto “children first”, our association has carried out projects for over 30,000 children.
Running projects
Volunteers in Italy
Missions in 2019
Supported children

Become a member

We need all those who believe that their help is useful to our mission: Help children as much as possible!