Hakuna Matata School

  • Where: KILIFI, KENYA
  • For whom: 38 CHILDREN
  • What you can do: 90€ EVERY SIX MONTHS

Title of the project

Hakuna Matata

Place of the action

Kilifi, Orphanage “Mwangaza”

Description of the context

In Kilifi, a city located halfway between Mombasa and Malindi, in the Kiwandani region, there is the orphanage “Mwangaza” that, since 2011, accommodates 38 children aged between 4 and 18 years.

The project

With your contribution, you can provide financial support to 29 children hosted at Mwangaza orphanage for his/her education, plus two kids living outside the structure. The school year is divided into three periods: from January to April, from May until August, and from September to November. In December, the children are on holiday. At the end of each period, each child receives an evaluation for the subjects studied, so you can follow directly his/her learning. The school is located about 2 km from the property and engages children in the morning and in the afternoon. Classes begin at 7 am: for lunch, pupils go back home to eat, and then they return to school.

The financial support includes the costs incurred in the Kindergarten (salaries of teachers, purchase of school materials) and in the Primary School (enrolment, examinations, materials, books, uniforms, shoes , coats for the rain). With 15 euro per month, you are able to support all the necessary school expenses. Each adopting family will be assigned a boy or a girl and will receive detailed information on the child and on his/her learning developments.

Achieved results

Despite the harsh difficulties caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the project continues to provide primary education to all children. After closing all schools to limit the spread of coronavirus in April 2020, government authorities decided to send back children hosted in homes to their relatives willing to welcome them. Initially Mwangaza was completely emptied but after less than a month, thanks to the great work done by our social worker and now Director Joseph, 10 kids suffering malnutrition could return to Mwangaza. At the end of October 2020, the Government declared the Covid situation under control and reopened the schools, but unfortunately all children had to repeat the school year and this, especially for those who are approaching full age, was a serious problem.