Become a member

Since 1997, Annulliamo la Distanza (AnlaDi) has implemented social and health-related projects in favour of children living in developing countries. During these years, we have made every effort to involve people in our projects, in Italy and in other countries, regardless of their age, origin, or social background. Our name “Annulliamo la Distanza” means “Nullify Distance”: we did not choose this name by chance. We need all those who believe that their help is useful to our mission: Help children as much as possible!

Join us and become our member: you just need to pay 10 euros a year. Request the membership card to to actively participate in our Association’s activities and to receive our Newspaper at home for free. Moreover, with the AnlaDi membership, you will benefit from agreements with companies and firms, as we will show more in detail in the next step.

Agreement with Corsica Sardinia Elba Ferries

“Annulliamo al Distanza” and “Corsica Sardinia Elba Ferries” signed in 2015 an agreement that allows our members to get a 10% discount on all trips to Corsica, Sardinia and Elba with yellow ships. Require your code for booking your trip at:

Become a member

We need all those who believe that their help is useful to our mission: Help children as much as possible!